Privacy Policy
Delivering our valued customers the best experience is our utmost and leading concern!
Recommended to be read till the very end, our privacy policy states all the crucial clauses which should be in attendance of our valued customers.
Privacy policy clauses state all the minor details regarding the important information you share with our website, why we collect them, and how safe is it for you to share them with us!
This meticulous guide is to avoid and eradicate even the slightest inconvenience on part of our customers and provide the best experience and atmosphere for them to shop, undoubtedly and carelessly!
Information is being asked from the customers part when they shop online from us or apply to our newsletter.
In any of the above case scenarios, there are certain reasons for us to ask for your valuable information, keeping in mind, to keep it safe and sound.
What we generally ask from the customers is basic information concerning where they live and how will they pay us.
Transactions usually hold an important place in online shopping.
Here is a list of what is generally being asked of the customers to fill in whilst they online shop from Etsy Jacket:
Your valuable data is being shared with our most trusted corporate staff members for
the sake of fulfilling the very job they are being assigned of! They are
assigned to figure out your queries and respond to them in the best way, for
which they need the credentials of the customers. Improving and managing accounts and channels help in enhancing the customer’s Shopping experience.
For the delivery of your ordered products, well-trusted and remarkable courier services are being used. For instance, FedEx, DHL, etc. They use personal information, especially the Contact number and residential address of the customers for an enhanced experience.
Disclosing our customer’s information is what we do not prefer at all, even on legal
grounds. However, when it comes to legal grounds or systemic inquiries from
reputable authorities, we might need to be cooperative with them.
For the sake of advertising stuff that you are desiring, smart technology helps us serve the purpose. Third-party advertisements provide a way for that. Using different tools, they extract information for a better experience.
Data provided by our customers is needed by us for the following reasons:
For instance, order status updates, product specifications, etc.
The website content is exclusive to our website only and hence, in case of crossing any line, the offender is to be pursued legally and action must be taken against the party.
If you have any queries regarding our privacy policy, you can contact us on Etsy Jacket.
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